Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Nimbus...

Nim-what you say? The Nimbus is a Danish motorcycle produced from 1919 to 1960 by Fisker and Nielsen of Copenhagen, Denmark. Two basic models were produced, both with a 750 cc four cylinder engine. I was in Long Beach, CA on vacation and decided to ride the Prairie Schooner over to my buddy Charles' office for a lunch-time ride to Joe Jost's for what else, a Schooner, Special, and a couple pickled eggs. Charles' boss Dave said he'd like to check out my ride and join us. I pulled into the lot and saw their bikes. The Nimbus is not like any bikes I've seen before. An in line 4 cylinder with exposed valve rockers, hardtail strap-steel frame with a rubber band suspended seat. really a beautiful ride.

Dave came out and kicked it to life, with the first kick. I purred as it idled and the lifters whizzed away.

After the oohs and ahhhs, Charles fired up his Boulevard with a roar, and I spun up my bobber (no first kicks starts for me). The three of us took the scenic route to Joe Jost's via Skyline Drive over Signal Hill. It was a clear day, and the view was incredible. Palos Verdes Estates and Catalina Island were in clear view. While Charles and I were being obnoxiously loud, Dave and his Nimbus buzzed along. Hard to figure out how a 750cc "buzzes", but it was a very quiet bike.

We made it unscathed to Jost's, and the place was PACKED OUT. We all had a schooner, a couple eggs and one each of Joe Jost's famous "Special" sandwiches, a filling nutritious meal. Then a couple beers more. We seemed a little cockier as we left after lunch, but we all made it back to the office, I seemed to have a few more problems with my foot clutch than usual...Carlsburg-itis.

You can learn more at www.nimbusclubusa.com YARRRR!

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