Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tick-tock, tick-tock!

0-hour draws closer. Monday the 17th, I drop the dogs off at the kennel, hook up the trailer, load 'Lil Sandy, toss my possibles bag into the truck and point the front toward Las Vegas. Meeting up with Chuck for a few days of SHOT show where we'll "Wage War Like a Viking, Party Like a Pirate" with Donkey Punchers, Meat-necks, 6' Homeless Grannies, Tactical Silverbacks, and others the likes of which few have met and lived to tell about it. There'll be a Pirate wedding, a ride through Hell's Canyon, Bacon Waffles, and sore feet.

When we've had enough, Chuckles and I are riding from Vegas to the eL Bee Cee while my Dear Old Dad drives chase. It's been a couple years since I've been home to Bizarro World, aka DPRK (Derpocratic Peepole's Rapeublic of Kalifornia). It'll be good to see my fam again, hook up with old friends, chase women, carouse my old haunts, and race 'Lil Sandy's straight pipes in the Nanny State. A week home in the sunshine and warmer climes is gonna feel good. Don't call me, I ain't answerin'.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010, F*#K YOU, and the horse you rode in on!

Well, I sent 2010's sorry-ass packing. It hung around for a year like a cloud over my head, raining death, sorrow, pain, and hurt. The silver lining was there though. I reconnected with an old friend, my Brother got married, and I became an uncle by my other brother. As I peer out my window this beautiful morning, scraping the fur off my teeth, I see clear, blue skies. This my friends, is the dawn of a change. While the event that made 2010 the pile 'o shit that it was for me is but two days away (Jan 3rd), I'm going to keep my eye's on the horizon, not let last year creep back into my life with it's detritus of blackness.